Charity Book... and other musings

Good morning!
As I drove back home from taking high schoolers off to school this morning, the most glorious site was presented before my eyes. It was a rainbow! The widest one I had ever seen. I meant to run in and grab my camera, but here it is almost an hour later, and I just remembered I wanted to snap that moment! So I went out thinking there is no way there is still a rainbow out there, but there was - it's now a regular skinny one, but I did capture that moment in time for all of you. (See above)

I am dressed and ready to go to the Temple this morning, but my friend Bobbi, who is normally my ride is sick with the flu. Poor Bobbi-- that's just miserable. She has to work today too, filing permits in Vegas. Prayers for Bobbi. Another friend just called to see if I would like to go with them and I WOULD!! =)

Anyhow about the book. I have been writing on and off for 3 years, a book on Humanitarian crafting and service in general, with author Trina Boice. Yesterday she emailed to let me know someone was actually interested in looking at it! YES! So I will be busy with that let me tell you. It needs a ton of tweaking and some of the patterns need photos and all kinds of stuff, but I am excited.

If you have any ideas you would like to see in such a book, please let me know. =)
Will write more when I have time.



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