The river of life

How swiftly the days roll on, like a river gently heading to the vast ocean of Eternity. Occasionally it encounters sharp bends and jagged rocks, but ever determined it heads on towards its final destination.
So it is with us.
While we run our course, encountering jagged rocks do we stop and stay, feeling sorrow for our hurts and our turbulence? or do we determinedly carry on, with our Eternal destination in view at all times?
Walking in this beautiful desert valley early this morning, I looked ahead and saw a horizon of dark, billowing clouds. I often feel as though I am in the midst of those dark, fearsome clouds, without hope, stumbling along, filled with sadness and storms.
As I gazed thereon, suddenly the glorious sunlight shot its rays Heavenward. Soon the light embraced that dark, foreboding cloud, making it beautiful, and resplendent. Golden light burst through delicate breaks n the billows. Within minutes the sun rose higher than those clouds until its glory completely overpowered and rose above the earth.
Even the cumulus was surrounded by and filled with beauty.
A voice gently touched my thoughts to remind me that even in the darkest clouds of my life, the sun (Son) is behind me if I am headed in the right direction.
Have a beautiful Sabbath Day today!
Hug the ones you love!!