Rainy day Sabbath

(mural painted by Beverly A. Qualheim 2000)

As I look out of the living room window, and as I listen, I am so in awe of the life-giving rain that is falling and has been for 2 days now. What a blessing to a dry-crusted desert. How grateful I am to a loving Father in Heaven who answers our prayers.

I have been busy with many things this past week... busy with new responsibilities at work, and busy with setting up, in my mind, the Humanitarian Booth for the County Fair. It will be simpler this year but I want it to make a statement of LOVE. These are hard times we live in and I don't think they are going to get easier in a hurry.

We must reach out in the ways we personally can, to bring people hope. It might just be in the positive ways we live our lives, or in the uplifting, smiling ways we speak to others. It is so easy for me to get bogged down in the 'why-me's. But I find that when I shove those negative feelings, and downward cycle habits away, and insist on thinking positively, and insist on shutting my mouth and only speaking positive statements, life is a lot better.

Today IS a new day and it IS the day the Lord has given us.
So, why should we not rejoice and be glad in it?

Throughout the scriptures we read to 'Be of Good Cheer'. That is sometimes one of the most difficult commandments, but I do consider it a commandment. One of the ways we CAN be cheerful is to be more thankful.

When we are thankful for even the smallest of things, a light fills our hearts and you know that as soon as a light is turned on, darkness is gone. Darkness cannot abide where there is light.

I found a beautiful video on YouTube this morning that I recommend watching. You might need a hanky. :)

May this day be bright for you, filled with good things, and may you be that light for someone else.

Don't forget to Hug the Ones You Love today too!


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