I am gonna do this!!

Ok- we all need goals, and I am hideously out of shape, always tired and dragging through the day.  I eat healthily bu strolling around the neighborhood twice a day with dogs and/or hubby is not quite cutting it!  I have to get back some energy and I think this is my key!  I can do these exercises IF I work up the energy and strength again.  I used to be really athletic so I know it's still inside this 53 year old body!

In a nutshell:
- Burns as many calories as a 40-60 minutes run.

- Makes your body adapt and improve very quickly.

- Increases metabolism for next 36 hrs

- Takes only FOUR minutes, no excuses.

0:00 - Do Squat Thrusts

0:20 - REST for 10 seconds

0:30 - Mountain Climbers

0:50 - REST for 10 seconds

1:00 - Life those knees high!! Fast!

1:20 - REST for 10 seconds

1:30 - Jumping Jacks

1:50 - REST for 10 seconds

2:00 - Squat Thrust

2:20 - REST for 10 seconds

2:30 - Mountain Climbers

2:50 - REST for 10 seconds

3:00 - High Knees

3:20 - REST for 10 seconds

3:30 - Jumping Jacks

3:50 - REST for 10 seconds

4:00 - Collapse in a heap on the floor! :)


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