Mittens done... hearts knit together...


I finished my mittens! Woo hoo!

They turned out to be about 8" long from cuff to tip-top.
Now, one teeny problem. I was watching TV and not paying a ton of attention to the directions and I made the first mitten with a rounded top, missed a whole 2 rows in there.

Could also be my dyslexia- I have the kind where you read and skip lines but have no idea you did... Anyhow, I like the 2nd mitten better with the more pointy top. They are nice and warm too!
I can't wait to start on another pair tonight. Just need to find some contrasting yarn and I think I will make the thumbs in maybe a 3rd color for fun!! =)

I was thinking when I get really sure of this pattern I could knit in some hearts or something or maybe go back and x-stitch them into the mitts.

I had to share a photo of Cookie from today too! She was in a really playful mood and even ran off with a ball of blue yarn from who knows where! She tends to get things from around the house and stash them on this doggie bed!

I got the yarn away from her and here she is wondering what my problem is not letting her run amuck with that ball of fun!

Sometimes my mind gets off into deep waters, and since I love to write I want to share some of these moments on my blog.

Last night I looked out the back window and saw such a gorgeous site. There were several really dark clouds with white linings and between them the moon kept 'floating' into view. Whispy darkness would crowd out the brightness of the moon for moments, and then would be taken across and over and away to parts of the sky beyond my view. It was breathtaking and beautiful.
I had to capture this dusk magic to remind me that when there are fleeting periods of darkness in my life, all I have to do is hang in there, and the Light that is the Son of God, will illuminate my soul again. Darkness absolutely cannot abide the light, ever. If there is light, darkness flees.
Light will always win the battle if we allow it.

Doctrine and Covenants 88:11 states:
"And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through Him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings."

Until tomorrow... time to feed my hungry kids, and get working on more mittens!


BevQ at Bev's Country Cottage


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