Monday monday monday.... and Martin Luther King Day
Good morning!!
Today.... no school for the kids, (alright! I love having them home for little holidays like today!) and my package at the PO has to sit there till tomorrow for me to pick up. =( I am hoping it is the books I ordered for Mike to help him with his business. Could be more items for the newborn kits from my wonderful online crafters though!! =)
Cookie is sitting faithfully at my feet, waiting for me to put down my cereal bowl. She isn't real patient with that waiting either!! There... she loves that left over hot wheat cereal although there isn't much left!
My Aunt Winnie from British Columbia called last night as she and Uncle John are coming this way today. It will be so good to see them. She is one of my dad's younger sisters and we just love her and Uncle John, such good people. Wish I had known her as a child, but I barely knew any of my extended family since we lived in England and they all lived in Canada. But now I am able to get to know them via emails. So that's a good thing!
Martin Luther King (video of his 'I have a dream speech) day... hmmm... I don't know much about him except that he was a beacon of hope for people of all colors, including white. I did like his dream... Who doesn't want freedom? Who doesn't want people to just look at others through Christ's eyes so we don't slap a judgment on as soon as we look at a person's skin color, or messy hair, or dirt under the fingernails, or thrift-shop clothing?
AFGHANISTAN- baby project - note the little ones have bare legs and feet! And that IS snow on the ground.
I heard something so sad this morning in an email. One of my friends forwarded me an email from our soldier over in Afghanistan. It stated they had visited some of the refugees yesterday and 2 little children, babies really, had died and they needed to bury them. My heart aches for them. All I could think about was what one soldiers mom wrote to me last year, about how when her son served there, the elderly and little ones would die often, freezing to death.
I don't know how they died... but it made me want to finish up that sweater I have on the needles right now. It's another of the 'Guidepost sweaters' only I am using my version but starting with the sleeves at the top and going down to form the T.
Here is my original version
But I think I like this one better- it seems to be going faster. If you want to make one or 50 of these, please feel free. I will type the pattern up here for the sleeves down version:
Bev's Sleeves Down Version of the Guideposts Sweater
Size 9 circular needles and about 5 oz worsted yarn
(3 or 4 year old size)
Starting at the top of the T... cast on 90 sts
Knit for 5" (forms sleeve)
Decrease 25 sts, knit across
Next row, decrease 25 more sts for other sleeve
Knit for desired length of sweater, measuring from under the arms. (I didn't get there yet but I will make a wild guess of about 9" long)
Bind off.
Make the back the same.
Place both sweater pieces together and stitch sides shut.
For neck stitch shoulders together leaving opening for head-- about 7" wide
And there you go. You could also add striped of color in there. I think I will add a grey or a red stripe in this blue sweater I am making. It's a forgiving pattern. You can make it any size you want really. You can use 2 strands of yarn held together. It's great! And there are little ones who need them all over the world right now, including in this country. It's been a cold winter!
If you need places to send items check out this page:
you can send them to Afghanistan for our soldiers to hand out:
Well, off to get the house a bit more picked up for Aunt Winnie and Uncle John, and then I am going to sit down and work more on this sweater.
HUG the ones you love!! And let freedom ring everywhere... !
Today.... no school for the kids, (alright! I love having them home for little holidays like today!) and my package at the PO has to sit there till tomorrow for me to pick up. =( I am hoping it is the books I ordered for Mike to help him with his business. Could be more items for the newborn kits from my wonderful online crafters though!! =)
Cookie is sitting faithfully at my feet, waiting for me to put down my cereal bowl. She isn't real patient with that waiting either!! There... she loves that left over hot wheat cereal although there isn't much left!
My Aunt Winnie from British Columbia called last night as she and Uncle John are coming this way today. It will be so good to see them. She is one of my dad's younger sisters and we just love her and Uncle John, such good people. Wish I had known her as a child, but I barely knew any of my extended family since we lived in England and they all lived in Canada. But now I am able to get to know them via emails. So that's a good thing!
Martin Luther King (video of his 'I have a dream speech) day... hmmm... I don't know much about him except that he was a beacon of hope for people of all colors, including white. I did like his dream... Who doesn't want freedom? Who doesn't want people to just look at others through Christ's eyes so we don't slap a judgment on as soon as we look at a person's skin color, or messy hair, or dirt under the fingernails, or thrift-shop clothing?
AFGHANISTAN- baby project - note the little ones have bare legs and feet! And that IS snow on the ground.
I heard something so sad this morning in an email. One of my friends forwarded me an email from our soldier over in Afghanistan. It stated they had visited some of the refugees yesterday and 2 little children, babies really, had died and they needed to bury them. My heart aches for them. All I could think about was what one soldiers mom wrote to me last year, about how when her son served there, the elderly and little ones would die often, freezing to death.
I don't know how they died... but it made me want to finish up that sweater I have on the needles right now. It's another of the 'Guidepost sweaters' only I am using my version but starting with the sleeves at the top and going down to form the T.
Here is my original version
But I think I like this one better- it seems to be going faster. If you want to make one or 50 of these, please feel free. I will type the pattern up here for the sleeves down version:
Bev's Sleeves Down Version of the Guideposts Sweater
Size 9 circular needles and about 5 oz worsted yarn
(3 or 4 year old size)
Starting at the top of the T... cast on 90 sts
Knit for 5" (forms sleeve)
Decrease 25 sts, knit across
Next row, decrease 25 more sts for other sleeve
Knit for desired length of sweater, measuring from under the arms. (I didn't get there yet but I will make a wild guess of about 9" long)
Bind off.
Make the back the same.
Place both sweater pieces together and stitch sides shut.
For neck stitch shoulders together leaving opening for head-- about 7" wide
And there you go. You could also add striped of color in there. I think I will add a grey or a red stripe in this blue sweater I am making. It's a forgiving pattern. You can make it any size you want really. You can use 2 strands of yarn held together. It's great! And there are little ones who need them all over the world right now, including in this country. It's been a cold winter!
If you need places to send items check out this page:
you can send them to Afghanistan for our soldiers to hand out:
Well, off to get the house a bit more picked up for Aunt Winnie and Uncle John, and then I am going to sit down and work more on this sweater.
HUG the ones you love!! And let freedom ring everywhere... !