Sunday Thoughts- goals
The other day, my 14 year told me she had her whole life planned out in detail... I marveled and remembered how I once had so many dreams and plans, great goals in detail. Those were wonder filled years!
Now, as I looked at this beautiful daughter, I inadvertently blurted out that I didn't have any goals any more. That I just wanted to work so we can pay our bills, snuggle the grandson I am permitted to, keep on the straight and narrow path, and die peacefully someday. I'd already had the beautiful children I had dreamed of so long ago. Most are grown and have brought me deep abiding joy. For one my heart bleeds; the wrenching ache never goes away. I miss the sweet association with that son. My prayers for him and his family, continue...
Mike and I have been wading through some rough waters for many years, with small breaks on the glorious shoreline; enough to catch our breath.
But goals... survival is all I could think of. And it occurred to me it's because all we have been doing lately IS surviving... but there is more to life!
As I walked this morning, and did my Sunday prayer of thanks for the beauty surrounding me; the beautiful cloudy sky, my children, my grand-babies, my wonderful marriage of 30 years; my health that permits me to continue to walk, food on the table and a roof over my head; I felt impressed that it is time to set goals once again. It is time to rejoice and strive towards good things.
I will be 51 at the end of this week... I could live another 40 years and to do so without goals would be a tragedy. So now, I need to think of a goal or 10, some things to reach for, to strive with all my strength for, to look forward to. Something to bring me hope again.
I have a few sketchy ones, like: Help make my husband's business flourish against all odds; get my humanitarian book published; well, that's 2. I will be in prayer to find more, and to break those 2 down!
“Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
“For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward” (D&C 58:27–28.)
Good article on GOALS
HUG THE ONES YOU LOVE and pray for them every single day!