Bev's Country Cottage- change is in the air!!

I have been updating my main page at Bev's Country Cottage, and am looking for some honest feedback. What do you like? Do you miss anything that was on the old page?
If you hate it, it's ok to tell me! Really, be constructive, I can take it.
I also added a 'READERS FEEDBACK' in the dropdown menu. It's for people to email me comments about the website, how they have used the patterns, etc.

I'd love to have a forum on there, but just am not sure how to create one actually ON my site, not one people leave the site to go to.

I am also thinking of having a 'HOW TO KNIT' page and a "HOW TO CROCHET' page, with links to tutorials, abbreviations on site, links to you-tube videos for various techniques... anything else you would like to see? I want to bring the readers back. It's not growing and it's time to change that!! :)

Thoughts? Feedback?



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