Remembering 9-11


United Action Of Prayer
Time: Sunday, September 11 · 9:00am - 11:00am
Location: All across America
Created By: Patricia Traeger
In light of the decision of New York's Mayor Bloomberg to not invite any clergy or even the first responders to the Commemoration Ceremony on 9/11, this event was created to honor all those who were directly touched by the horrific event of 9/11/2001.

Will you join in this United Action of Prayer?

It requires that everyone, everywhere, no matter what you are doing to stop for one minute at precisely 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on 9/11 to offer a prayer or to just have a minute of silence to honor all those who died, those who gave their lives, all first responders and their families and the families who lost their loved ones.

Let's unite with Americans across the country to let them know that America has not forgotten and never will.
God bless America!


At first I thought this was one of those scam emails but I was just watching FOX News and sure enough, it's TRUE!

Bloomberg apparently doesn't want to 'offend' any one religion by having clergy from certain churches there and maybe not others.  Give me a break!  Have like a Priest, a Rabbi, and a Protestant minister or something.  I am a 'Mormon' and I sure would not be offended if a Jewish Rabbi, or one of the others, stood and prayed for all the people affected by this horrific terrorist attack!

He is calling out the 'Separation of Church and State.' card.  Why is it that grown men and women don't understand what was meant by that.  It wasn't to keep religion out of everything to do with America, it was to ensure that NO one religion would be the 'state' religion.  

The people who helped cement the foundation of this country were religious!  They DID pray.  They knew they needed God's help and they asked for it, plus they were grateful for the help they received. They wanted a strong government, and if you kick God out, you cannot have that. The just didn't want the country to have one religion, as many countries in Europe do. 

And no first responders  (????)  what? ...  Bloomberg says the memorial service is just for the families.  I think if he interviewed those families THEY would absolutely want the first responders there! What has happened to America?

I hope you will join me in praying today and tomorrow for all those affected by this horror.
May WE never forget even if our politicians are so jaded by secularism that they could care less; that The United States of America was attacked by cowardly, religious fanatic THUGS.  
God Bless AMERICA!
HUG the ones you love today!

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