It's an election year and I get to vote!

Many of you know it's been just 1 year since I took the oath and became an American Citizen and I am so excited that I finally get to vote in a national election!  I hope all of you will get out there and vote your choice for President of the United States of America too. What a great right and blessing we have as citizens.

I have many reasons for choosing who I want to vote for in this 2012 election. Mitt Romney is a man of integrity, strong moral values, hard working, compassionate, knows how to manage money, intelligent, and here is perhaps a quality that I admire more than anything else... this is just one story but I have friends who know him personally, and he is like this all the time-- rolling up his sleeves and getting dirty to help someone else.  Here is a report you won't see on TV!  Here is who he is when the media cameras are not rolling...   is there any other candidate who does this on a regular basis?

 If he wins the nomination I will be holding a special 'Mitt-a-thon' for the rest of the year to make warm mittens for children in need.  Anyone will be able to participate and will donate those mittens to their own local charities so no postage money needs to be spent.




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